This is the same one I got by email moments ago. Can't authenticate it, of course, but I might say it doesn't look like a man who is seeing his 72 virgins for the first time.
ah, well .... "to one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.
to one without faith, no explanation is possible.".
This is the same one I got by email moments ago. Can't authenticate it, of course, but I might say it doesn't look like a man who is seeing his 72 virgins for the first time.
The following is from It indicates that far after (35-45 years) Darwin's death in 1882, racism within Watchtower writings were not exactly what they'd now like to admit.
The subject of race is not a topic the Watchtower has spent an enormous amount of time discussing. Nonetheless, a large number of official statements in their publications clearly reflect their racist attitudes. For example, an October 15, 1919, Golden Age article about prohibition (p. 44) stated, "from a criminal viewpoint the desirability of sobering the southern negro speaks volumes for national prohibition." Another article refers to Orientals as "coolies" who were "cutthroats and murderers" (Golden Age, March 10, 1926, p. 374). Many articles, though, are much more direct. One states that the British Empire nations are all ruled by Whites, whom the Watchtower describes as having "superior mental, moral, or physical force" and that this superiority is disappearing because the "powers of the colored races are expanding" (May 5, 1926:483). A Golden Agearticle vehemently condemned a book sympathetic to blacks, Uncle Tom's Cabin, which it called "the work of Satan" and they even once stated that the Spaniards were a "backward" race (Bolling, 1927:141). The racism is also obvious in statements such as "careful observations in a London school showed that children enjoyed the heartiest laughs, not from slapstick comedies, but from [such activities as] ... watching a negro miner enjoying a square meal" (Golden Age, 1928:684).
1873 [six thousand years of man's existence ends in a.d. 1873] {wr apr 1880 88}.
1873 "here we furnish the evidence that from the creation of adam to a.d. 1873 was six thousand years.
and though the bible contains no direct statement that the seventh thousand will be the epoch of christ's reign, the great sabbath day of restitution to the world, yet the venerable tradition is not without reasonable foundation.. if, then, the seventh thousand-year period of earth's history be an epoch specially noted as the period of christ's reign, we shall, by showing that it began in a.d. 1873, be proving that we are already in it.
That looks very interesting, Terry. But please help us out on some of those acronyms. Yes, WT (Watchtower) is obvious but TIAH, WR, PRTM, and TMYF are not known -- at least, to me, and perhaps others.
i'm starting to think i hallucinated this!
house picks up the 'bi" babe from prison.
she stops the car to go to a door and he wisecracks, 'i didn't know you were a jehovah's witness'.
This link is for Fox episodes, including House. The last one is for 3/21/2011 so you may have to wait a few weeks for the one you saw.
christians eating blood sausage .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog critiquing a proposition often made by the watchtower organization that christians do not eat products rendered from blood, such as blood sausage.
though watchtower quotes historical documents on this point, it entirely looks over the more contemporary history of jehovahs witnesses regarding eating of blood sausage.
I am by no means a jw apologist but I'd probably defend this alleged hypocritical statement by WT
i am no comic but i really want to laugh today.
if i was a fly on the wall during one of those infamous closed gb sessions, how do you think the meeting would go?.
happy friday everyone!.
Cheers, Len Miller.
if you were a believing jw, especially born-in, you never really had the chance to determine if you had the heavenly or earthly hope.
you were raised - or taught in bible/book study - that your hope was, unequivocally, to live forever on paradise earth.
Cheers, Len.
i overheard a conversation from my family, jw's are shunning me, but the best part is i am not a jw, never been bathtised, just a born in who woke up in his early thirties.
the reasoning behind it was something i did, it wasn't fornication because im still a virgen, it wasn't stealing, killing or praying to false gods, drinking or anything that the bible defines as sin, im not even the going out type, i dont have many friends, never been reprove or did anything to set a bad example (i was your typical jw) no no no, it was a book, it was sending an email to a family member who happens to be jw with the shephearding the flock ppf.. this book was a huge shock to the person, eventually it raised questions and spread around, eventually this went full circle back at me, my parents already concerned for some time has asked brothers to see if they can fix my reasoning so i can be brainwashed again and give them money to some rich guys in brooklyn who dont have any ethical responsibilities towards others.
i wanted my parents to do this, i want them to see what the brothers will do and say about me, thinking and hopping, that some day they will wake up from their long sleep.
Cheers, Len.
Oh, dear. You are a SaltyOldLady. I suspect you'd have done a far better job of it.
However, Christians and Muslims, to name just a few -- are quite anti-female gender. Perhaps it's a Pauline thing. Just a gut feel, but subtract the apostle Paul's writings and you have nothing left to place women as second class citizens within the congregation; elders must be HUSBAND of one wife, then there's the head covering thing, then there's the headship thing, etc.
Thanks, Sab.
Hey, where did your last avatar go? That quotation was from my all time favorite book, The Princess Bride. I read that aloud to my kids at least twice. The movie was sorta okay but simply didn't do it justice.